perjantai 1. toukokuuta 2015

Pe 1.5.

Tänään 15km, 1h 16min

Avoin kirje Garminin toimitusjohtajalle herra Pemblelle:

Dear Mr. Garmin CEO,
I am a Finnish senior citizen with running as a hobby. I want to thank you for the brilliant Race Predictor functionality in your Forerunner product line. This morning I was very depressed because I thought I was in a terrible shape and in monttu and cannot run even 5k. I was contemplating quitting running, or even worse, becoming a hesseli. But then I just happened to try your race predictor which gives scientifically accurate information about my current race performance. Now I know I am in an excellent shape and I started to train for World Championships.
BR, pjh

Ap: 14.6km, 1:16:05, 5:13/km.

Kankea laahustus autioilla teillä. Uusi tieto huippukunnosta ei ollut vielä kulkeutunut jalkoihin.

Ip: lepo.

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